Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu
THM-Friendly: S
Single Serve
Lay a large sheet of parchment on your countertop (big enough that you can fold it over). Sprinkle with powdered Parmesan cheese.
- 4 oz. of (raw) ground chicken
Place the chicken in a square shape on half of the parchment and fold the other half of the parchment over it. Between the parchment, press the ground chicken down to about 1/2" thickness and into a large rectangle. Open the parchment back up.
- 2 thin slices of deli ham
- 1 slice of Swiss cheese
Roll the ham and cheese so that it will fit nicely on one side of your ground chicken rectangle. Fold the parchment back over and use it to help you seal the ground chicken around the ham and cheese, so that it’s a nice little rectangle.
- 1 tsp. mayonnaise
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- sprinkle of salt and pepper
Stir and spread on top of your meat patty (not the underside). Spread a little egg wash over the mayo mixture and coat with Parmesan cheese.
Leaving the meat patty on the parchment (you can tear away all the rest of the parchment), plop it into your air fryer at 400° for 15 minutes.
- 2 wedges of Laughing Cow cheese
- 1 Tbsp. half and half (or almond milk)
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Microwave for 30 seconds and stir. Add more time, if necessary, but don’t overdo it.
- 1 -2 tsp. of almond milk or kefir or half and half
- 1 tsp. THM nutritional yeast
- a pinch of mineral salt
Stir well and drizzle over your meat patty.