Better Late Than Never!
Oct 05, 2023
Hello! My apologies for being a day late! We are on vacation this week and I totally missed yesterday's blog!
Today, I would like to say just a few words about a short but pertinent topic for me....
Beach swimsuit time.
As you may have guessed, I feel SUPER EXTREMELY self-conscious at the beach! (Not as bad off season, when it isn't crowded) but always in the back of my mind is that feeling of dread stepping out in a swimsuit! Yikes!!!! DON'T LOOK!
This time, I have made it a point to just appreciate the beauty and vastness of the ocean that our awesome God created, and just be thankful. Not focusing on my usual "oh my goodness, I have to walk in front of people in my swimsuit!" kind of thing. (Fun times.)
I look so forward to beach trips, EXCEPT for that part, and it really can put a damper on vacation things! Anyone else a "hider" like this gal??
Until next time....
Your super slowly improving friend,
OH BOY, was that me. I used to wear shorts and a t-shirt. I couldn't let anyone see me. Guess what I wear now? Yup. A two piece. Why? Because I like it. I think it looks good. I don't care who else does. I know I am a beautiful creation of a mighty King. But you know what's even better? You are beautiful creation in a two piece, a hoodie, or a paper bag. You are BEAUTIFUL, just like our king created you.
Love ya sis!